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Lender/Servicer sends all applicable breach and/or pre-foreclosure letters prior to referral

Check Box Cure Notice/Breach Letter Check Box Delinquency Breakdown
Check Box Pre-Foreclosure Notice (if any) Check Box Note*
Check Box Mortgagor(s) Name and Address Check Box Mortgage*
Check Box Mortgagor(s) SSN Check Box Assignment(s) (if any)*
Check Box Property Address    
Check Box Property Occupancy Status * original documents required at Decree/judgment

Optimal Timeline Days

File Opened; Title Ordered   1 / 1  
Conflict checks; Pacer/SCRA searches; 14-day letter to mortgagor; review of collateral documents; title ordered    
First Legal/Petition Filed; Service Initiated   20 / 20
Title received/examined; missing assignment(s) identified; Petition filed naming mortgagors and lienholders as defendants; personal service initiated on all defendants
Service Complete; Hearing / Judgment/Decree Pending   45 / 75
Publication requird for any defendants not personally served which may extend timeline by approximately 30 days; Defendants have 20, 30 or 60 day answer period and once service has expired, a 10-day Notice of Default is sent to all parties not appearing
Hearing Sheduled; Judgment/Decree Filed   45 / 75
Default judgment submitted to Court upon service/NOD expiration if matter is not contested; hearing may be required if any defendants answer which may extend timeline by approximately 30 days    
Execution; Sheriff's Sale   40 / 200
Execution filed with judgment or to coincide with expiration of delay of sale (borrower may file a six-month demand for delay of sale which is routinely granted by the court and may extend timeline by approximately 200 days); Sale scheduled by Sheriff    
  150 / 370
*The Firm adheres to all applicable timelines and fee schedules for VA, FHA, FNMA and FHLMC loans